
2021 In Memoriam Award

Cerise Edmonds receives the 2021 In Memoriam Award from her professor and ISNR president-elect Dr. Mark S. Jones. The award is given annually to an outstanding student in memory of a significant contributor to the field who has passed away during the previous year. This year’s award was given in memory of Avery Bratt, PhD; Michael Thompson, MD; Peter Rosenfeld, PhD; and, Elsa Baehr, PhD.

2021 ISNR Conference Poster Presentation

Ross Spears and Cerise Edmonds examined the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the neurofeedback training program at UTSA, for which they received the 2021 ISNR Student Poster Award.

2019 ISNR Award Presentations

Claire Gregory receives the Genie B. Davis Scholarship Award from the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance board president Dr. Randy Lyle, which covers the expenses of her BCIA Neurofeedback Certification.

Claire Gregory receives the prestigious 2019 ISNR In Memorium Award from ISNR board president Roger deBeus. The award is given annually to an outstanding student in memory of a significant contributor to the field who has passed away during the previous year. This year’s award was given in memory of Dr. Harold Russell.

The recipient of the 2019 mini-grant from the Foundation for Neurofeedback and Neuromodulation Research is Claire Gregory from San Antonio Texas for her submission, “​P​redictors of Neurofeedback Outcomes Following qEEG Individualized Protocols for Anxiety.” Presenting the award is FNNR board president Dr. Estate Sokhadze.

2018 BCIA Judith Lubar Scholarship

Shannon Kratky was the recipient of the 2018 BCIA Judith Lubar Scholarship to honor Judith’s lifetime of excellence and service. Shannon Kratky is the winner of this special scholarship, recommended by Dr. Mark Jones of the University Texas, San Antonio.

2018 In Memorium Award

Laurel Jackson-Cook was the recipient of the first annual ISNR In Memorium Award in 2018. This prestigious award is presented to a student upon recommendation of their professor or an ISNR member and carries a generous scholarship representing the generosity of those gone before us. Dr. Joel Lubar presents the award in memory of his late wife Judith Lubar.

2017 Genie B. Davis Scholarship

Heather Hitsman and Laurel Jackson-Cook, receiving the 2017 Genie B. Davis Scholarship from Dr. Genie Bodenhamer-Davis. Marilyn Caylor received the award in absentia.

2016 Genie B. Davis Scholarship

Noel Blessing receives the 2016 Genie B. Davis Scholarship from Dr. Genie Bodenhamer-Davis, along with Dr. Don Moss, Dean of the College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences, at Saybrook University.

2015 UTSA COEHD Research Colloquium Award

Shanda Stevens won first place in the UTSA COEHD Research Colloquium, Master’s category, for a case study in treating a client’s anxiety symptoms.

2015 Genie B. Davis Scholarship

Shanda Stevens receiving the Genie B. Davis Scholarship from Dr. Genie Bodenhamer-Davis.

2015 ISNR Student Award

Stephanie Dreis receiving the ISNR Student Award from President Rob Coben, 2015.